
May 2024

Dear VPD Parents and Dancers,

Please read this newsletter thoroughly and carefully, as it shares information about how to have a successful and organized year end show!


Performance Details 

  • That’s Dancing! – Saturday May 18th, 2024 at 2:00pm
  • Shenkman Arts Centre
    245 Centrum Blvd, Ottawa, ON K1E 0A1
    (613) 580-2787



The goddess, Hera, from Mount Olympus, appears on Earth to watch her daughters, the Three Graces, perform in Snow White and That’s Dancing! A sensational dance show mixed with acting, comedy and dynamic music. A production created by Vanessa Plettell-Chevrier for Le Jazz Hot Dance & VPD’s 35th Anniversary Celebration! Family entertainment – not to be missed!


Show Tickets For Sale

Tickets will be on sale on shenkmanarts.ca planned to be released on May 2nd

  • $40.00 per adult ticket (plus theatre charges and taxes)
  • $20.00 per child ticket (plus
    theatre charges and taxes) (Ages 12 and younger).
  • Seating is reserved when tickets are
  • Please note that the theatre must comply with fire regulations, therefore everyone must
    have a ticket, including young children and babies.
  • For dancers who are in our junior classes; creative ballet, pre-primary ballet, mini acro, primary ballet, junior jazz/tap, we invite you to purchase your child a ticket at half price ($20.00) to enjoy the second act of the show. It is a wonderful production that the younger dancers will love watching their teachers in!



We are always in need of volunteers for help with costumes, props, transport between the studio and the theatre and cleanup after the show. Our show is a wonderful way to get high school volunteer hours. Please contact us at vanessaplettelldance@gmail.com if you are available to volunteer.



The studio invites all parents to remain seated throughout the entire performance. You not only support your child who is onstage but also all the other dancers who have worked extremely hard. This is a wonderful performance, and you will not be disappointed!


After the Performance

An assistant teacher will escort the children out to their parents at intermission.


Videos & Cameras

No videos or cameras are permitted during the performance or rehearsals due to theatre policies. A professional videographer will be present and videos of the show will be available for purchase, $35.00 for DVDs & USBs and $45.00 for BluRays.



Please be advised that dancers are not permitted to wear their costumes before or after their performance as we would like to keep the magic for the audience. A jacket or zip-up sweater must be worn over costumes while eating. We encourage water only!



Donations of your choice are greatly appreciated, that go towards flowers that are presented at the end of the show, to our hardworking and dedicated teachers and helpers. If you plan on generously donating, we ask you to please consider the number of teachers your dancer has when donating. Thank you! These donations can be accepted in cash or by eTransfer to director@lejazzhotdancecompany.org


Home Preparation checklist:

  • Label all shoes with your full name on masking tape on the insole and ensure all shoes are clean and elastics are secure. Leather shoes can be cleaned easily with a wipe.
  • Make sure tights are clean, with no runs or holes, and labelled with your name.
  • Convertible foot tights are preferred for quick changes. Please bring a spare pair of each colour to bring on show day, in case of last-minute rips.
  • Please bring extra hair supplies (elastics, bobby pins, hair net, brush, hairspray, hair gel)
  • Required makeup: Foundation, pink blush, brown eyeshadow, black eyeliner, mascara, red lipstick (Required Lipstick: “SuperStay Matte Ink Liquid Lipstick” By Maybelline in the colour “Dancer”, it can be found at any drugstore)
  • Required hair style: a low bun with a part down the middle.
  • We highly recommend buying a nude bodysuit for changing purposes for your dancer who is in several numbers. Once received, label all costumes and accessories with your child’s name.
  • Please send your dancers with some healthy snacks so they can stay energized throughout the day.



  • No jewellery
  • No tattoos, no nail polish on fingers or toes
  • Please bring a pair of indoor shoes or sandals to wear around the backstage area
  • VPD is not responsible for any lost or stolen items. Please encourage your child to keep all personal belongings labelled and in their own dance bag.


General Reminders: 

  • Please remember to send your dancers with a labeled water bottle.
  • Please check our lost and found! We have collected many items over the past few months and if not claimed, the items will be donated.

Please follow and check our instagram https://www.instagram.com/vanessaplettelldance/  or website https://www.vanessaplettelldance.com/ for any updates regarding weather, as we may not be able to send out email updates in time.

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